Natural Skin Care Recipes- 8 Best Ingredients To Fight Acne

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Ichthammol A mineral derived mixture, its mined from the Tyrolean Alps in Central Europe. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Used to absorb excess sebum and help cleanse the skin from bacteria. Kaolin Clay Used for its oil absorbing properties, Kaolin clay refines the skin and helps clear breakouts. Zinc Oxide Mineral used for its astringent, healing, and soothing absorbent properties.

Saw Palmetto Also called as American dwarf palm tree and cabbage palm, helps clear acne by decreasing skin inflammation, acne flare-ups, and sebum production. Creams that use Saw Palmetto as the main ingredient is said to decrease sebum production by 20% and skin oiliness by 42%. [1] 2. Green Tea Green tea is rich in acne-fighting components, such as selenium, vitamin C, catechins (which are responsible for its antibacterial activity), and zinc. Study shows that acne sufferers have significantly lower levels of zinc in their blood by 54.1% compared to a healthy group of individuals without this skin problem.

27, 2014 (HealthDay News) — At six months, oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) are comparable to systemic antibiotics for acne management, according to a review published in the September issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Eubee Baughn Koo, from Harvard University in Boston, and colleagues conducted a systematic literature review to compare the efficacy of antibiotics and OCPs in managing acne. Thirty-two randomized controlled trials were included in the analyses. At three and six months, the researchers found that both antibiotics and OCPs effected greater percent reduction in inflammatory, noninflammatory, and total lesions compared with placebo.

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